Controlled Lives, PHOTAUMNALES 17° Edition
Le Quadrilatère-Beauvais, France, 2020
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Controlled Lives
Investigates the social transformation, the irreversible mutation that artificial intelligence with facial biometry is bringing into our lives, a true phenomenon of social revolution, transformation of our privacy and our habits.
In september 2017, two researchers at Stanford University published a research: using more than 30 000 images taken from a dating site, scientists have trained a facial recognition system to identify a person's sexual orientation from the characteristics of his or her face.
Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) gained prominence in the world’s hall of shame by claiming that bandits could be identified by physical traits. His atavistic criminal had a bowed forehead, long arms, large ears, an asymmetrical face and tattoos on body.
The Chinese state is setting up a vast ranking system that will monitor through facial recognition the of population’s behaviour, and rank them all based on their "social credit.” The program is due to be fully operational by 2020, but is being piloted by millions of people already.
The photographs are intended to make the viewer reflect on the change taking place and the social impact it has on our lives. We have a way of changing our behavior to protect our privacy from daily surveillance? Perhaps all that remains is to mask, transform or hide our identity, as in ancient times, when it was used as a form of protection.
The past that comes back, through new technologies, this data base system will be so different from the tools used by Cesare Lombroso?
Facial biometrics = Physiognomy